Epistemological notes on the concept of Geographical Space from Milton Santos





Epistemology of geography, Geographic space, Milton Santos


Revisiting Milton Santos' thinking is, on the one hand, recognizing how current it remains in the context of the geographical contextualization of the phenomena and, on the other, how collaborative it tends to be in the construction of new theoretical-conceptual and methodological explanations that will foster the new moments in the movement of geographical thought. Agreeing with this understanding, the objective that guides this work seeks to understand the theoretical-methodological evolution of the concept of geographic space in Milton Santos' thought and his contributions to Brazilian Geography. Thus, the research, which is theoretical in nature, built around the analysis of works by this renowned author in Brazilian Geography, which we consider crucial in the scope of the highlighted theme, are: Por Uma Geografia Nova (1978), Espaço e Method (1985), Metamorphoses of Inhabited Space (1988) and The Nature of Space (1996). The choice of these works was due to the possibility, through them, to analyze the conceptual proposal of geographical space elaborated by Milton Santos, as well as the evolutionary trajectory of this concept in the author's thought through the directions of capitalist society, its spatiality and its reflection geographic location.


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Author Biography

Wagner Alves Cabral, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba

Licenciado em Geografia.


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How to Cite

CABRAL, W. A. Epistemological notes on the concept of Geographical Space from Milton Santos. Geografia em Atos (Online), Presidente Prudente, v. 7, n. 1, p. e023004, 2023. DOI: 10.35416/2023.8895. Disponível em: http://650482.ijbsn.asia/index.php/geografiaematos/article/view/8895. Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.


