The setbacks in the fight against hunger and food insecurity in Latin America




Food Insecurity, Hunger, Latin America, FAO


In 2020, FAO released alarming data on the world's hunger situation. According to the organization, more than 60 million people have been affected by hunger since 2014, so the number of undernourished people could exceed 840 million by 2030. The situation in the Latin American subcontinent does not show a different trend from what is observed on a global scale. FAO estimates that by 2030 around 67 million people in Latin America will face food insecurity, this number represents 9.5% of its population, exhibiting a serious situation. Therefore, this article aims to understand the social, political, and economic phenomena that contributed to the current scenario of Food Insecurity in Latin America, considering that food is a Human Right. In order to achieve the goals presented here, a qualitative methodology was employed. Concerning methodological processes, the chosen tools for this study were bibliographical and documental research. It is understood that to ensure Food Security in Latin America, there must be a disruption with the capitalist system that generates poverty and ensures the benefit of few. Thus, the war against Latin American misery and hunger becomes fundamentally the war against the destructive capitalist system, as well as neo-imperialism in the Global South.


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Author Biography

Érica Beatriz Guedes Corado, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

Graduada em Relações Internacionais.


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How to Cite

CORADO, Érica B. G. The setbacks in the fight against hunger and food insecurity in Latin America. Geografia em Atos (Online), Presidente Prudente, v. 7, n. 1, p. e023005, 2023. DOI: 10.35416/2023.9024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.


