Guidelines for authors
Authorship criteria
Below are described actions that can be credited to the authors, based on CRediT Authors and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE):
- Conceptualization (idealization of the study, definition of questions and objectives);
- Methodology (methodological design of the research);
- Data management (data and metadata management, maintenance of data for initial and subsequent use);
- Data collection (execution of experiments and application of data collection procedures, such as forms/interviews, for example);
- Statistical analysis (carrying out statistical design);
- Data analysis (interpretation of results and attribution of meaning based on pre-determined theoretical frameworks);
- Attracting financing (search for financial resources);
- Project administration (guidance, supervision or coordination);
- Resources (availability of materials, equipment and software);
- Software (programming, software development; designing computer programs; implementing computer code and supporting algorithms; testing existing code components);
- Validation (responsibility for evaluating the reproducibility capacity of the research);
- Visual preparation of data (visual organization, creation of tables, charts and other graphic elements);
- Writing (writing the original manuscript);
- Review (critical review of the original manuscript and approval of the version to be submitted).
However, some of these actions are mandatory for an individual to obtain author credit. In this sense, to be considered as such you must have carried out at least one of the following actions:
- Conceptualization (idealization of the study, definition of questions and objectives);
- Data analysis (interpretation of results and attribution of meaning based on pre-determined theoretical frameworks);
- Methodology (methodological design of the research);
- Project administration (guidance, supervision or coordination);
- Writing (writing the original manuscript);
- Review (critical review of the original manuscript and approval of the version to be submitted).
This information must be present in the item “Declaration of Authorship”, on the Title Page document.
Contributions for gratitude:
People or institutions that have supported and collaborated in carrying out the research, but do not meet the authorship criteria, can and should be thanked in a specific field in the item “Declaration of Authorship”, in the Title Page document.
AI Contributions:
We inform you that the journal's editorial team does not recognize AI (Artificial Intelligence) as authorship of manuscripts. We understand that such technology can contribute to specific stages of the research/study process, however, any and all use of AI during the creation and preparation of the manuscript must be described by the authors, in the Declaration of Authorship and Originality document, each case being subject to analysis. Authors must be responsible for the veracity of the publication's content and its relationship with the use of AI.
When declaring the “use” or “lack of use” of AI in preparing the research/manuscript, authors must describe in detail whether or not this technology contributed to each of the steps listed below:
- Design: Describe the process of using AI during the conceptualization of the study, if so.
- Methodological design: Describe whether AI was used in the methodological process.
- Data: Describe whether AI was used during data collection and/or interpretation.
- Manuscript preparation: Describe the stage and how it was used, in cases of AI use, during the manuscript preparation process (writing, review, translation, etc.).
- If AI is used: Describe the type of Artificial Intelligence used (AI – Artificial Intelligence or AI - assisted technology) and what was the reason for using it.
Accepted and published manuscripts are the property of the authors, managed by the journal. Submission of the manuscript in whole or in part to any other journal is prohibited. Responsibility for the content of articles rests exclusively with the authors. Translation into another language is prohibited without written permission from the Editor, heard by the Scientific Editorial Committee.
Ethical principles for authors
- Participation: not accepting to be the author of an article to which you did not substantially contribute in its conception, design, data collection, analysis, data interpretation, writing/elaboration, critical review of the content and final approval of the version for submission and publication;
- Communication: communicate to the editorial team any inconsistencies, from omission/concealment of authorship, to details of the manuscript;
- Originality: authors must ensure that their work is original in its entirety and that the essential content of the manuscript has not been previously published;
- Citation: authors must ensure that any non-proprietary idea present in their articles is properly cited and referenced, as the opposite characterizes plagiarism, an unacceptable practice;
- Verisimilitude: authors must guarantee that the information included in the body of the text is true;
- Reporting standard: research must have its steps thoroughly described to enable replication;
- Single publication: the author must guarantee that the manuscript to be published is not in the active process of publication in other journals;
- Transparency: disclose possible financial or material conflicts of interest;
- Notification: notify the editorial team when you find significant errors/inaccuracies in your work during the editing process or after publication.