(Non-)meaningful learning in times of pandemic from the perspective of social justice

The dichotomy between teaching and teaching just for teaching





Equal education, Educational opportunities, Social justice, Access to education, Remote teaching, COVID-19


The outbreak of COVID-19 and the worldwide public health emergency triggered by its emergence have severely disrupted the global order, posing huge health, economic and social challenges. In response to this outbreak, we summarize a comprehensive data set to analyze the current situation related to education and the implications for inequality in access to quality education and basic study conditions, such as obstacles to full access to Information and Communication Technologies by students of different socioeconomic backgrounds. Psychosocial, socioeconomic, and mental health factors must be considered all-together when designing and implementing any educational intervention or teaching and learning methodology, especially in emergency situations. Understanding, from the perspective of social justice, the antagonistic faces of teaching and their implications for learning means answering whether we are, in fact, teaching (meaningfully) or teaching just for teaching (non-meaningfully).


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Author Biographies

Luís Felipe Bricks Bim, São Paulo State University

PhD candidate in Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Physical-Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry.

Luan Vieira Adames, São Paulo State University

PhD in Biotechnology, Department of Bioprocess and Bioenergy.

Odair Bim-Júnior, Marquette University

Postdoctoral Fellow (General Dental Sciences), School of Dentistry.

Marco Aurélio Cebim, São Paulo State University

Assistant Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Physical-Chemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry.


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How to Cite

BIM, L. F. B.; ADAMES, L. V.; BIM-JÚNIOR, O.; CEBIM, M. A. (Non-)meaningful learning in times of pandemic from the perspective of social justice: The dichotomy between teaching and teaching just for teaching. Nuances: estudos sobre Educação, Presidente Prudente, v. 34, n. 00, p. e023002, 2023. DOI: 10.32930/nuances.v34i00.9531. Disponível em: http://650482.ijbsn.asia/index.php/Nuances/article/view/9531. Acesso em: 1 dec. 2024.



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